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Oldest child is home for break! There is nail polish on the living room windowsill, and an injection kit on the counter.  There are protein bars in the bread drawer, wet towels draped everywhere, and lights on until 6 a.m.  What is she doing at this hour, while the rest of us are having our last weird dreams before the alarm beeps?  She is calling out Ann Romney, it turns out, for claiming to have beaten an incurable disease, at http://mslifeisbestlife.com/2012/03/20/a-little-political/.  And really, if Ann Romney has cured MS, I would love to know!  In the meantime, since oldest child is home and we love shopping at CVS, I’ll have to be satisfied with knowing that hair mascara sort of works (just don’t touch the top of my head, which is sticky), and white eyeshadow makes you look more awake.  Back to contemplating the eternal mysteries…